„Brazilians in Portugal …

… are so much worse than back in Brazil, I think.“ said my colleague Carolyn, as she looks out the window thinking of someone in particular. „Like, here they basically all just want to go to bed with you – and tell you the most swashbuckling fairy tales in order to get you into the sack …“ Silence. Then, a long, lonely look out of the window.

For the last couple of days, two Brazilian guys have been staying at our hostel in Lisbon. And they seemed – according to Carolyn – really nice, decent and funny. At least, they seemed to be. Until last night …

„Lisa, podes dizer-lhes que aquí se beixa cuando se despedir?“ (Could you please tell them that in Portugal, it’s normal to kiss each other when you say goodbye?) Alon is staring at me, his eyes are sparkling enthusiastically. I look at the two German girls next to him – and can see the doubt in their eyes. „Well“, I tell them, „in Portugal, everyone kisses each other when they say goodbye.“ Alon is looking at them, triumphantly. And I add: „On the cheek.“

Alon’s triumph dies away – the German girls start grinning, give him each a short kiss on each cheek, and – before he can say boo – hop away to bed.

The small Brazilian sinks down on the couch. „And I thought, I would be able to kiss both of them … As, you know, in Brazil, when we go out, everybody just kisses everybody … „, he says, his eyes sparkling again. I look at him and can’t help thinking: „And poor Carolyn wants to go there next year … “


One thought on “„Brazilians in Portugal …

  1. honk 33

    und, wie siehts mit Dir aus? Wäre das nicht auch vielleicht ein Land für Dich?

    Lischen, ich hab Angst und ich hab das Gefühl, ich hab nicht genug gelernt und falle durch…

    Vielleicht muss ich mich dann zu Dir flüchten und bleibe in Portugal….(allerdings bei meinen Sprachkenntnissen wahrscheinlich eher eine schlechte Idee).
    LG Conny

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